Scientific Atlas
Electronic scientific journal
ISSN 2738-7518

Year 2020, issue 1

Date of issue: 04 December 2020

Haircutting Godfatherhood (Šišano kumstvo)

Author(s): Tanya Dimitrova

Godfatherhood in haircuts is essentially defined as a magical act widespread in Croatia between the 15th and 20th centuries. In it, hair is accepted as a ritual attribute, and the ceremony marks the entry into adolescence, whose spiritual expression is a symbol of obedience and devotion to God.

Keywords: godfathership, godfather, haircut

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On the nature of the economic category „property“

Author(s): Aneta Deneva

Property is one of the most commonly used categories. Definitions for it are given by lawyers, philosophers, economists. Different religions also speak about property. One of the first realized goods of the nascent human civilization...

Keywords: category, property, object, subject, property right

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Motivational model for contemporary medical tourism development

Author(s): Teodora Petrova,Stoianka Petkova-Georgieva

The article proves the thesis, that the development of a contemporary medical tourism is one of the most promising and attractive areas of entrepreneurship. A motivational model is proposed, according to which the medical tourism...

Keywords: health tourism, medical tourism, spa-tourism, wellness-tourism, diversifcation, motivational model

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Nonlinear radiolocation channel

Author(s): Dilyan Dimitrov

In this paper an experimental model of non-linear radiolocation channel is shown. The model is used for modeling of non-linear dispersed field from object with non-linear electromagnetic features. The parameters and the construction of the probing signal...

Keywords: modeling, non-linear radiolocation channel, object with non-linear electromagnetic features

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Assessment and analysis of the development of regional and local self-government in Europe after the emergence of the concept of Europe of the regions

Author(s): Hasan Azis

Achieving real autonomy of local self-government is directly dependent on the sufficient financial security for the implementation of the powers conferred and delegated responsibilities of local authorities by the state.

Keywords: local self-government, regional development, decentralization, administrative reform, regionalization

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Analysis and key aspects of the european defense planning processes

Author(s): Zhivo Petrov

Strategic planning - its theoretical and methodological principles - serve as the basis for national security planning, including, of course, military activities. It is important to note the limited accuracy in the field of strategical assessment and planning.

Keywords: European processes, defense, analysis, strategic planning

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Tendencies in the organization of All-european defense research

Author(s): Zhivo Petrov

The main task of providing military and economic protection is the creation of conditions for sustainable development while also maintaining the capabilities of the state’s military-economic and military-technical potential.

Keywords: modern trends, defense scientific research, armed forces defense, economic security

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Dissonances of the administrative conflict in Ukraine and Bulgaria

Author(s): Prof. Mykola Lakhizha, Doctor of Science, Assoc. prof. Ivanka Bankova PhD

The discussion on rethinking the function and place of the administration in the process of establishing the role of the state is of great relevance in the twenties of the XXI century. The need for administrative reforms and decentralization...

Keywords: administrative reform, public administration, political leaders, administrative apparatus, administrative conflicts, civil society

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Social media and democracy

Author(s): Marco Oreste Marelli, Ph.D.

Social media allow citizens and activists to share information which is often difficult to access through traditional media. They give the power to control the expression of public opinion in political debate, present a new and innovative way to unite aspirations, spur immediate and mass mobilization, and produce change on wide ranging.

Keywords: social media, democracy, participation

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Algorithm of professional conduct and basic rules for thermal injuries

Author(s): Valentin Vasilev, Varvara Pancheva

The health policies of the individual countries are aimed at improving the quality of care. This article discusses specific topics for the quality of health care in the healing process of burns.

Keywords: standards, algorithms, rules, professional conduct, burns

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Economic risk reporting model for the bulgarian black sea tourist product in the marine event incidents

Author(s): Stoyanka Petkova-Georgieva, Yana Vangelova Vangelova

The article presents the principles of application of a model for reporting the economic risk for the Bulgarian Black Sea tourist product in case of maritime accidents. The purpose of the model is to serve as a methodological basis describing the process of economic risk management for the Bulgarian Black Sea tourism product in case of maritime accidents.

Keywords: risk management, Black Sea tourism product, maritime incidents

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Approximate Method for Determining the Center of Gravity of Four-legged Farm Animals

Author(s): Dimitar Georgiev

The aim of the study is to present an approximate method for determining the center of gravity of four-legged farm animals. By already known techniques of theoretical mechanics calculations are made, as the body of the animal is divided into typical figures.

Keywords: farm animals, center of gravity, approximate method for calculating the load on the limbs

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